Wednesday, June 5, 2013

She Will Grin



likeafieldmouse: Mark Rothko - Orange, Red, Yellow (1956)


Mark Rothko - Orange, Red, Yellow (1956)




Just follow the blog this was re-blogged from… do it.

Just follow the blog this was re-blogged from… do it.


It would be better as an animated gif flipping back and forth...

It would be better as an animated gif flipping back and forth but this is cute too.

intergaylactic: freakbast: so today, my friend Tyler went to...



so today, my friend Tyler went to Publix. he noticed that there was a promotional sale for Sun Drop, because like no one here buys it, and they were selling them for like almost 6 cents a bottle.

so naturally, Tyler bought 600 bottles.

it took 3 cars to transport all of the Sun Drop, and he currently has 70 in his garage, 70 in his room, and the rest is stored at another friend's house.

without the discounts, his purchase would have added up to $935.

he spent $34

hes the guy we learn about in math


"One: Buy condoms. Buy them and keep them with you at all times, and use them before you are asked to..."

"One: Buy condoms. Buy them and keep them with you at all times, and use them before you are asked to use them. And use them every time. The peace of mind you allow your partner will free her to be vulnerable with you, and that, my son, is exactly what sex is about. Condoms are sexy. In fact, call buying condoms foreplay.
(Footnote: If you are too embarrassed to buy condoms, you are not ready to have sex.)

Two: Kissing is not merely foreplay. Spend entire evenings making out on the couch while fully clothed. Believe me, dry-humping rocks.

Three: Sex is not just about friction. It's about emotion. Stop trying to find her clitoris and find her heart. Because then she'll help you find her clitoris.

Four: If you really wanna know how to please a woman, ask her how she masturbates. Then do that. A lot. If she claims she doesn't masturbate, offer to take her shopping for a vibrator so you can both learn the vocabulary of her body together.

Five: Don't put anything in her butthole you wouldn't want in your own.
(Footnote: Try a pinky finger, it's kinda awesome.)

Six: When you go down on her—and you will go down on her, and if you are my son, you will be amazing at it—tell her how good she tastes. Stop in the middle and kiss her deeply so she knows how good she tastes. Do the same when she goes down on you.

Seven: A simple Google search will yield 1,327 euphemisms for male masturbation, yet only 23 for female masturbation. If guys spent less time jacking off and more time jilling off, this world would be a happier place.

Eight: Everything you need to know about the importance of the clitoris is in the movie Star Wars. You are Luke Skywalker piloting your penis-shaped X-Wing Fighter deep inside her trench. Remember: seventy percent of all Death Stars cannot be blown up through penetration of the trench alone. It must be through focused contact with that little exhaust port at the top of the trench. Otherwise, any explosions you experience will be merely Hollywood special effects.

Nine: Just because you come doesn't mean she has, so don't you dare come before her. Focus completely on your partner. Don't worry about gettin' yours, you're a guy. You always get yours. Your job is to make sure she's gettin' hers.

Ten: If sex with your partner lasts no longer than this poem, you are not making love. You are masturbating with her body instead of your hand. Shame on you. Go back to step one. You've got a lot of learning to do.
Love, Dad."


Big Poppa E., "How To Make Love" (via loweryourstandards)

Number 9 isn't true but the sentiment is right.

whenimreallyathundacat: knowledgeequalsblackpower: theshitpeopl...








Shit, I guess I should stop playing games naked then.



can i get some sources for this because i dont know how much is believable

So scary because it's true. Thank God I still read gaming magazines…lol also gaming designers  said that the Xbox1 needs to be connected to the internet every 24 hours-or it ceases to function properly…

So just to recap-camera is always on-internet is always on… #bigbrotherisWATCHING I'll stick to the PS3 & soon the PS4 thanks


I can't believe they're tryna sell that.

The camera's recognition technology is brilliant, but that isn't what bothers me.

Microsoft swears up and down that neither the camera nor internet will be active in low-power mode, but the idea that you can't deactivate one, the other, or both, and simply enjoy a game (naked if you so choose) is disconcerting.

What really bothers me is the yet-unanswered question of where the data the recognition software (and all other data) is being stored. Sony has a few stories to tell about consumers' private info being compromised.

Yep, it is all true.




blackbdsm: "Another problem with the sex positive movement is the idea that questioning the ethics...


"Another problem with the sex positive movement is the idea that questioning the ethics of a fetish is always "kink shaming". I think that whatever two adults do consensually is fine, but I also think that it's important to critically examine why so many people fantasize about rape or have really racist sexual fantasies. Any sex worker can tell you that people have disturbing and fucked-up fetishes, and the idea that we shouldn't question where those come from is ridiculous."

From a Friend of the Site.

We couldn't have said it any better.



dionthesocialist: You love a teacher when they're hiding your children from a crazed gunman in...


You love a teacher when they're hiding your children from a crazed gunman in Newtown and getting shot while protecting them. You adore educators when they're using their body to shield your kids from a falling wall in the middle of a tornado in Oklahoma.

But let that teacher have the nerve to ask for job security or reasonable pay or a manageable workload and all of a sudden we're lazy union thugs.


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